Golden Prague Tour
You will experience how throughout of more than a thousand years different ethnic and religious groups can enrich each other and contribute to the beauty of the most amazing city in the heart of Europe. There is no street in Prague, no square, no lane where would not be a footprint of Jewish writers, artists, musicians scientists or entrepreneurs.
Some of the sites you'll visit...
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Charles bridge
beside the statues of Christians Saints you will be surprised by a big cross with Jesus around whose head stands in hebrew: Holy, Holy holy, Lord of Hosts symbolizing the christian faith in the Holy Trinity...which is in contrary to Jewish believe... will go to the depth of this story.
Old Town square
There are 4 mechanical figures on the Astronomical clock - one of them symbolising vice and lust, the other symbolises time of life, the third symbolising avarice and the fourth symbolizing vanity. Will you find out which one is a Turk and which one is a Jew? And what is it all about?
Whenever you see a big wall with a gate, enter the gate. There are always gorgeous gardens subjected to noble palaces or monasteries, the hidden treasure of Prague`s beauty.

Learn history of Prague
Prague experienced 4 golden periods - 13th century when Jews and Gentiles, German speakers and Czech speakers were living under the reign of the Czech King Oto the II. in peace and harmony. The second is the Rudolph era when Jews, Protestants and Catholics were together contributing to art, science and philosophy. The third golden era is known as Enlightenment in the time of Habsburg Emperor Joseph the II. who published the Edict of Tolerance. The fourth period is between 1918 and 1938 - the time of Liberal and Democratic Czechoslovak republic led by president Tomas Garrigue Masaryk.
Facts, Myths and FAQs
Is it true that protestantism was born in the Czech country?
Yes. The first protestant leader Jan Hus burned at the stake in 1415 in Konstanz, Germany.
Why Prague was not bombed during the WWII?
Prague was bombed by mistake by the US Army. The navigator believed that he was above Dresden. The weather was foggy, the city was hardly visible.
Are Czech people religious?
Czech society belongs to one of the most atheists in the region. It is a bit different now in the young generation.
What is your governmental system?
Parliamentary democracy represented by the President and the Prime Minister.
Is it so that your educational system is free of charge?
Yes, it is true. From primary school up to University education is free. Except for private schools.
What about your health care?
Every citizen of the country has to be medically insured by law.